In dealing with prophecy there are many determining factors to take into account. The future is a series of energized probabilities which are not set in stone. Changes within the individual and collective consciousness, the Earth's destiny and need to heal and cleanse herself, Divine intervention, and greater cosmic cycles and events all play a part in the future destiny of humanity and the Earth. In many cases prophecies are given to change destiny. Worst case scenarios are often given to inspire and effect change.
A change in consciousness and action will lessen or do away with all together many of these worst case scenarios. It is said the best prophet are those who's prophecies do not come true because they reached enough people to create a change in consciousness and action. To ignore the prophecies or dispense with them all together as doom and gloom would be to take away the opportunity to change in consciousness and action.
Prophecies are motivating inspirations to evolve in the upward spiral, to evolve spiritually with a strong reverence for life rather than take the downward spiral of separation, greed, domination, control and war which history has proven to be the cause of the collapse of previous civilizations.
In 1982, many prophesies were given in the first edition of Becoming Gods a Reunion with Source as it was seen on the books at the moment. Most have unfolded, yet a few were not as severe as predicted. This is due to changes in the individual and collective consciousness and a lot of divine intervention. The Harmonic Convergence was one such event that brought about a large influx of higher consciousness and energy altering the severity of social, economic and physical earth changes. It also opened the door for more divine intervention.
August of 99 was another grand shift which again altered the course of human destiny. When a change in consciousness and action occurs and people choose the high road so to speak, the reaction or lessons set into motion by past choices which were not in the highest and best good for Humanity and the Earth are no longer necessary and can be circumvented through Divine Intervention. There are universal cosmic laws, the laws of creation, which are the threads that bind all religions together. They transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and are universal in nature.
Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all with a strong reverence for life honoring the Creator within all creation is the foundation of these cosmic or universal laws. When we stray away from these basic principles necessary for a healthy society and environment we create karma or the reaction. Prophecies are merely pointing out the obvious reactions by wise ones that know Universal or Cosmic law. They also are aware of cosmic cycles and how they are going to effect Humanity and the Earth.
Although we have had some divine intervention and been given a grace period here and there we are by no way out of the woods concerning social, economic and physical Earth changes. Universal and Cosmic laws are broken on a daily basis individually and collectively on the Earth. There are still those who unfortunately are in control of the governments, alphabet agencies, military and other industries with an insatiable lust for power and wealth often at the expense of humanity and the Earth. They are now the driving force behind destiny and have chosen to take humanity and the Earth on a downward spiral which can only end in social, economic and environmental collapse.
The gross uneven dispersal of wealth and resources along with the condition of the environment is testimony as to who is in control. Separation, greed, the need to dominate and control, competition over cooperation and the warring on each other and the environment is contrary to universal law. It is the downward spiral and rather than relinquish their positions of power and wealth the elite would rather take everyone and everything with them to the inevitable end.
This may sound hopeless, yet it is not. There is a greater force, one aligned with the ultimate power in the universe which is inspiring the upward spiral. Inspiring the Universal Principles and Understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment. They are even touching the hearts of some of the elite. There will be a separation within the elite, a power struggle between those realizing they cannot out run their karma, those that realize there is no gain in capitalizing at the expense of humanity and the Earth or causing pain suffering or loss to others all of which eventually will be meted back to self. They will be shifting their resources and energies to service.
There will be an awakening of the masses in all walks of life. Those in the industries and agencies controlled by the elite will begin to regain their integrity and shift their allegiance. The polarities will increase and those who choose the downward spiral will become even more aggressive and their need to control and dominate will drive them to madness. Their identities will be revealed along with their actions and the inevitable reaction to actions against humanity and the Earth will come home to roost. In their last days they will set into motion plans even more maniacal than those attributed to Hitler with Humanity once again having to make a choice. A choice between competition, greed, domination and control as a driving force behind destiny which will be their demise or Universal or Cosmic law and the Universal Principles and understandings necessary for a healthy environment and society.
If this civilization is to continue it will have to wake up fast, regain its integrity and choose the upward spiral. IT MUST HOLD ITS RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE TO THESE BASIC UNIVERSAL LAWS. To do anything else is individual and collective suicide.
Now let us share a little brutal honesty as to where you have been and where you are going. There are over 50 dead zones void of life within your oceans. There is a great die off of coral reefs. Not only do you depend upon the ocean for fish, it also supplies much of your oxygen. Right now the oxygen levels are at an all time low just above the limit to sustain the body. What little air left to breath is filled with carcinogens, deadly additives to gas and other industrial waste creating a toxic life threatening soup that is slowing diminishing your existence. The majority of your rivers are polluted and the ground water is now unsafe to drink in most areas due to industrial contaminants.
The chlorine and fluoride in the water is numbing your brains. The other lungs of Earth, the forests are rapidly diminishing across the planet. Much of the rain forest is gone, burned and now cattle are producing methane where the oxygen was once produced. Concrete jungles and high rises are taking the place of vast ecosystems and man is loosing his connection to nature, a connection necessary to his health and well being on every level.
It is as if profit and greed has waged a full scale war on the environment, raping and poisoning it for the sake of success and security. Now reason this: what security is there in destroying the very platform for life without which your job, position, car, condo etc. do not really matter? The only successful thing being done is ravaging your body, the land, your very soul which will have to make restitution later, insuring down the line a very bleak future.
Speaking of war let us discuss the war industry. How does one make an industry dependent upon war, work for the industry and separate themselves from the other men women and children of God they are destroying? Is this for God and country? God does not want his children destroyed in all their cultural diversity! Why add to the karma of a country by being a willing participant in dominating, controlling, or destroying another country? How about their vote for the sake of democracy? Anyone ask them? Again, anytime one creates pain, suffering or loss to another, the same is meted back to self. Being a willing participant and capitalizing on war has consequences. Individually and collectively there is a price to pay. It may come at the hands of Nature. Nature and the universe are very creative in this endeavor, yet do not be so arrogant as to believe a balancing will not occur.
The bottom line is we no longer have the luxury of warring on each other and the planet. We do not have the luxury of remaining asleep as to our contribution. We do not have the luxury of staying ignorant as to the plans of the elite and not holding our religious leaders and governments accountable for actions against Universal and Cosmic Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All along with a strong reverence for life honoring the Creator within all creation must become the new law, the new direction, a new way of life if life is to continue upon the Earth.
The future depends on choices and actions made by both individual and collective consciousness. Choosing the Universal Principles and Understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment allows more Divine Intervention. It is natures job to remove that which is not evolving and that which is harming it. The violent storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions which are escalating exponentially can all be avoided by changes in consciousness and action along with a little Divine Intervention. DIVINE INTERVENTION IS EARNED. To not change in consciousness and action and expect Divine Intervention or a different outcome is insane.
One of the definitions of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. In other words, you are being led by the insane, doing the same thing over and over. Until there is a change in course and action the consequences will become even more severe until the lesson is learned. To continue to war on each other and the environment and to not expect a reaction or to expect a different outcome is insane. To say it will not occur, physical actions will not have reactions in the plane of physicality because you do not believe it is also insane. It is called spiritual ego.
It is time to get Earthy now. Apply the higher teachings in the physical, grounding them into the earth as the director of all actions. The days of denial are over. Tyranny is coming to a close. Each individual must be congruent in thought, feeling and deed if they are to flow with the new higher energies. Nature will clean up the rest. It is her job.