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Oggi è domenica 16 febbraio 2025

Eventi per
venerdì 20 ottobre 2006

Deepali festival

In the world it is for all for prayers and enlightement.

Deepavali-a True Message of Self-Enlightenment and Enlightening
to all

supreme Lord!

Asatoma Sat Gamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityorma Anritam Gamaya

Lead me from the unreal to the Real
Lead me from the darkness to the Light
Lead me from the temporary to the Eternal

Dear Friends,
My best wishes to you, your family and your friends at this loving occasion of Deepawali.

http://o3.indiatime Creation_ Innovation

DEEPAVALI is a special festival at which light of knowledge spread into heart, mind & soul of every human being from cosmic power. It conveys a universal message “SELF ENLIGHTENMENT” and Enlightening to all.

Deepavali –a True Message of Self–Enlightenment & Enlightening to all ......

O cosmic power!
Ignite our spirits for purposeful mission
Inject positive energy in our brains
Transmit divine virtues in our attitudes
Transform inner self on the path of Self–Enlightenment

O Infinite Intelligence!
Supercharge the light of knowledge in our hearts
Circulate the wave of creativity in our minds
Stabilize thy adorable glory in our consciousnesses
Spread thy glorious radiance on our bodies.

O Super Consciousness!
Pour purity of knowledge in our thoughts
Lead our deeds towards self- realization
Equalize our frequencies of souls with thy super soul
For attaining perfect condition of Resonance-Bliss

O eternal love!
Inspire us for structuring an architect of character
Supercharge high intensive love in our all actions
Illuminate our life with glare, grace and grandeur
Generate rays of happiness in our family matrix.

Inserito da karam Rispondi

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