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 solstice / equinoxe

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
karam Inserito il - 23 dicembre 2002 : 12:45:57
I receive from Alora:

The celebration of the winter solstice is not only the first day.

Solstice energy takes three full days. Winter solstice has been celebrated
for thousands of years by all walks of humanity, it is celebrated for it is
the time that the Light returns and the days begin to get longer, though for
the three days of the solstice the sun does not move on the horizon line.

This particular soltice is a very important one, for the engines of
Amenti are being activated for the upcoming planetary shift into higher
vibration late next spring, early summer.

Please spend some time to welcome
the Return of the Light today, tomorrow or Monday.

3   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
merevita Inserito il - 29 aprile 2004 : 18:12:00

The last equinoxe, 20 march, is called by american indians, of the 1000 drums and it would open the Earth to the big process of healing!.
keep us ready to the new process!

karam Inserito il - 09 luglio 2003 : 20:57:29
Summer solstice

Activated by eclipses, record breaking solar flares, this year's solstice,
that was aligned with the center 20 days of Mayan cycles (June 23-July 12),
has acted like a place in between worlds, between the past and future.

We have come to the end of what we know and are now crossing a HUGE
evolutionary bridge to what we are becoming. So if you are feeling a little
strange, ungrounded, tired, confused and just plain out if it, this is why.

You are entering into new exciting territory.
Things will not work the same as they did before and your motivations and passions will change with the new currents.

from Alora

amrita Inserito il - 23 dicembre 2002 : 17:24:30

Ci viene detto da varie fonti che particolari eventi sono in corso e che qualcosa potrà manifestarsi per la primavera.

Se sarà percepito o meno come doloroso forse dipenderà dal grado di interiorità di ognuno ovvero dal nostro livello di coscienza.

We invite each one of you to make good use of the poweful times of the
Winter Solstice (21/23 dec) to direct Golden Light energy for the good of all.
We are asking the Creator from the bottom of our heart that EVERY CURRENT
PLAN of the darkness for the Earth is dismantled, nullified. We don't need
to exactly know what these plans are to pray for their nullification.
It is enough for us to know that these plans are in preparation already for next spring.
Pray our Creator that his/her will is done on Earth.
Golden Love and Merry Christmas to all.

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