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 Evento: Dhanvantari day
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Membro Medio

141 Messaggi

Inserito il - 29 ottobre 2005 : 19:10:27  Mostra Profilo  Rispondi Quotando

The day is celebrated by different communities for different reasons.
It is commonly known as the starting day of the Deepavali festival.
It is believed that Dhanvantari arose from the Saagar Manthan on this day holding forth the amrut-kumbh (jar of nectar).
Dhanvantari is also beleived to be an avtar of Vishnu.

Be receptive to receive the nectar of the immortality!

On the path of love
Through the oceans of fear
The sounds of joy
Are all we can hear

Membro Medio

167 Messaggi

Inserito il - 31 ottobre 2005 : 13:03:18  Mostra Profilo  Rispondi Quotando

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore has so aptly put forth
the true significance of Diwali in these beautiful lines:

The night is black
Kindle the lamp of love
With thy life and devotion

Open your mind and you will heal your heart.
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