Hi Y'All!
There seem to be some time shifts going on. If any of you have any
experiences with these, please write in about them so we can share them
with the list. There were a bunch from another list about how things
are disappearing and other things are appearing, things looking
different, and people die and then they are suddenly alive again,
especially with some of the famous people. I had an experience here
where a mobile home disappeared that used to have a lot of junk around
it, and they sold barrels. And then one day it was just gone! And the
lot was green as if nothing had ever been there! And a couple of weeks
later it appeared again, only things were clean around it. Weird...
And small things have been appearing and disappearing around the house.
Reality is changing... And we all might be waking up in different ones
each morning depending upon what lessons we need to learn.
So let me know if you have any interesting things going on around you,
and I will make a composite and send it to everyone on the list.